Los Angeles a city set on a hill to Reveal Redemption: Prophet Charlie Shamp

One of the major concerns that I have been shown for the coming years is in regard to water and waterways worldwide. In many different ways water will be of major concern for many, especially in the United States, from flooding, drought, contamination and the protection of the Navy. I was shown that there will be a reordering of weather patterns worldwide that will require Christians to pray fervently to adjust the ARC (atmospheric river condition) across the nations, especially the United States for the next two years.

Across the Northwest I was shown above average temperatures that will cause drought affects, yet in California I saw precipitation that caused a dangerous mudslide. I also saw that California is entering into a time of increased earthquake activity over the next two years. I saw sizable shakings coming! Some will say this is judgement upon the state, but it is not! For the Lord would say unto you California, "There has been tremendous weight laid upon you over the years, but I will break the bands of wickedness off the land. Yes there will be a shaking, but the yoke is breaking, the burden is removing, A Revival Harvest is coming. What the enemy will do, God will turn it to your good! For as the land shakes I will remove the yoke and a mighty revival will begin to flow. The state will rumble and shake and bondage will break! Watch for a shaking will come that moves the mountain and the ceilings of limitations will break under the power of my right hand. Did I not say, 'Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory.' Did I not say, 'The silver is mine, and the gold is mine!' Watch as I shake the land and new gold is found in mines as a sign. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, and in this place will I give peace. And they will say, 'peace, in what place?'

I tell you my presence will come once again in LA and I will fill many will my fire, my oil, my glory. In the city of angels, I will come in the temple of angels and there will be an outpouring. Yes in the house of Amy at Glendale the latter shall be greater then the former. The glory will be released like you have never seen. The ground will shake from the marching of the army of the Lord into the streets. And what took place in 1992 shall attempt to come again as well. A riot like Rodney- the enemy has set in his eyes, but what I did through my servant Rodney in the church in those days shall also come with greater force into LA. For there will be a riot in the street, but Revival and Harvest will come to stem the tide of racial hate. The sound of Joy will be overwhelming, it will be great! Yes Revival fire fell in the past, but Greater Glory outpouring will come and last! Superstars, athletes and the elite will see what I do and turn their hearts and be made new. Some in the church will not understand it, but humble and follow my command. The army of the Lord is being released, there's marching in the streets. Yes there will be miracles in their feet! I say to you again LA, you are not a land that is forsake, but a city set on a hill to reveal redemption."
-Prophet Charlie Shamp