The Palm of God’s Hand will Push back Putin | Prophet Charlie Shamp
I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “What is this strange love for a madman? What is this seductive spirit that whispers lies about Putin, lulling people to sleep so that they cannot see who he truly is?
Poland, will you allow Putin to push you to the brink of war? Will you not respond with force? For out of you shall come a sound that will rattle Putin! Russia, you have joined your hands with Iran to harm My nation, Israel, but I will humble you before the world. I will cause Iran and Russia to stumble in darkness and cower in fear from My outstretched hand.
With My hand in Israel, I shall handle and humiliate Hamas; with My palm in Poland, I will push Putin back into his place. Out of the ashes, Ukraine shall rise again as the breadbasket of the earth. I will push Putin back with the palm of My hand and cause him to be humbled before the world. With My outstretched arm, I will disarm the demonic powers that seek destruction, and with the palm of My hand, I will bring peace.”
— Prophet Charlie Shamp