A Prophetic Declaration for Guyana and Venezuela: A Season of Abundance and Justice

The people of Guyana, rest in the faithfulness of the Lord. As the oil of His Spirit flows through your land, it will bring blessings of prosperity and growth. This divine anointing will not only bring about economic progress but will also foster spiritual growth. The Lord is raising up leaders filled with wisdom and integrity, who will guide the nation towards righteousness and justice. You will shine as a beacon of hope and resilience, a testament to God’s power and faithfulness. Let your hearts be filled with joy and expectation for the great things God is about to do in your midst.

To the suffering people of Venezuela, take heart. The Lord has heard your cries and seen your tears. He is about to bring about a mighty change in your nation. The oppressive rule of Maduro will be replaced by a leader chosen by God, one who will govern with justice and righteousness. The days of corruption and injustice are numbered, and a new era of peace and prosperity is on the horizon. The Lord will heal your land and restore your hope. Stand firm in your faith and trust in God's divine intervention. This is a time of restoration and renewal for Venezuela.

In both Guyana and Venezuela, the Lord is calling His people to be a light to the nations. He is about to do a new thing in these lands. A season of abundance and justice is coming. A time of healing and restoration is at hand. Amidst the changes and transformations, let your faith remain steadfast. For the Lord is at work in your midst, bringing about His perfect plan and purpose for your nations. Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord.

For the word of the Lord came to me saying, "I have seen your faithfulness and your perseverance. You are a beacon of hope and resilience, and I am about to pour out an abundance of blessings upon you. The oil of my Spirit will flow freely through your lands, symbolizing my favor, my anointing, and my divine provision. As this oil flows, it will bring about a season of prosperity and growth that will be visible to all nations. Your borders will remain secure, and your people will enjoy peace and security in the midst of turmoil. Rejoice, for the days of weeping and anxiety are over. You will rise on the wings of my Spirit, shining brightly for all nations to see."

And for the people of Venezuela, the Lord declares, "I have seen your suffering, and I have heard your cries for justice. Be assured that the days of oppression are numbered. The one who has manipulated and abused his power, Maduro, will be removed, not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit. The wheel within a wheel is turning, signifying my divine intervention in your nation. An era of justice and restoration is about to unfold. The time of suffering will give way to a time of healing and renewed hope. You will experience a fresh outpouring of my Spirit, bringing about transformation and freedom. Stand firm in your faith, for I am at work in your midst."

-Prophet Charlie Shamp