Jezebel called for a Fast! | Prophet Charlie Shamp

As I walked late one night in prayer, the voice of the Lord spoke these words: "Jezebel called for a fast!" In that moment, the spiritual realm opened before me. I suddenly saw in the realm of the spirit a great clash unfold—a battle between two queens, two tables, and two fasts for America’s future.

The table of Jezebel with her children, and the Table of the Lord with the true church. Both have flesh and blood. Yet, these tables symbolize the spiritual nourishment and allegiance of two opposing forces. At Jezebel’s table, her children feast on deception, pride, and the corrupt ambitions of the world. They fill themselves with the bitterness of rebellion, the allure of power, and the darkness of witchcraft. The food they consume is tainted, their spirits enslaved by the seduction of false ideologies and the lies of the enemy.

In stark contrast, the Table of the Lord invites the true church to partake in the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Here, the faithful gather to receive spiritual strength, unity, and divine wisdom. The Table of the Lord is adorned with the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is a place of refuge, where the soul finds rest and the heart is renewed. Those who dine at this table are nourished by the Word of God, empowered by His grace, and bound together in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

This profound dichotomy between the two tables sets the stage for a cosmic battle. On one side, Jezebel’s table conspires to spread chaos, undermine righteousness, and ensnare souls in the darkness. On the other, the Lord’s table stands as a beacon of hope, truth, and eternal life, calling the true church to rise, stand firm, and proclaim the gospel with boldness. It is a call to choose where one will dine, and thus, to whom one will pledge their allegiance in the unfolding battle for the future of America and beyond.

Just as Queen Jezebel and Queen Esther once stood in stark contrast, so does the Kingdom of Light and Darkness now contend for the soul of America today. There is a battle not just for the nation, but for the very essence of its future. This is a prophetic hour, an urgent call for the true church of Jesus Christ to rise and proclaim the Word of the Lord. As Derek Prince once proclaimed, “We can shape history through prayer and fasting!”

The spirit of Jezebel, ancient and insidious, has found new life within the modern Woke agenda and the dark arts of witchcraft. Under the guise of social justice, it manipulates, deceives, and seeks to usurp divine authority. It operates under a guise of love, yet its heart is set on destruction and control. Jezebel declared a fast, not to seek the face of God, but to further her own wicked plans. Her fast was a deception, a spiritual manipulation that led to the shedding of innocent blood to take the land she sought to possess.

Again in this day, the witch has waved her wand to stir those under her control to fast so that she may take the land. Jezebel's fast, cloaked in piety, is a ruse—a sinister strategy to further her agenda of chaos and control. Her adherents, spurred by a blend of ideological fervor and occult practices, work to dismantle the foundations of truth and righteousness in the country. I believe that unless there is a dramatic change in the coming days, the nation of America will be at a place where darkness will fully overshadow it.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Beware of those who wear the mask of virtue but harbor deceit and rebellion. The spirit of Jezebel is alive, hidden within the Woke movement and the witch’s circle, corrupting the very essence of truth. It whispers lies, spreads falsehoods, and sows discord among the unsuspecting. This spirit seeks to silence My prophets, to extinguish the light of truth, and to lead My people into confusion and darkness. Discern the spirits, for not all who proclaim justice and equity walk in My ways. They dine with Jezebel, feasting on deception, and they seek to entangle the church in their web of lies for political gain. Witches form an alliance at this time to fast to bring an utter end to America and the pure church who seek God’s face for a supernatural move of God in the nation.

In stark contrast, the Anointing of Esther rises with unblemished purity, unwavering courage, and a heart fully surrendered to God. Esther’s fast was genuine, a plea for divine intervention and the salvation of her people. It was an act of humble submission, seeking the face and favor of the Almighty.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Arise, My Esthers, for your time has come! I have chosen you for such a time as this. Your fasting and prayers are a fragrant offering, a holy incense that delights My heart. As you humble yourselves and seek My face, I will hear from heaven and heal your land. Just as I delivered My people through Esther, so shall I deliver America through those who stand in the gap with pure hearts."

A monumental spiritual warfare is upon us—two kingdoms locked in fierce combat, two kingdoms vying for dominion. The kingdom of darkness, propelled by Jezebel's spirit and fortified by the Woke agenda and witchcraft, seeks to subjugate and annihilate. Yet, the kingdom of God, embodied by Esther's spirit, rises in righteousness, truth, and justice.

The Spirit of the Lord declares: "My kingdom is everlasting, and My dominion spans all generations. The battle is Mine. Stand resolute, arm yourselves with the armor of God, and wield the sword of the Spirit. I am assembling a remnant, a remnant of Prophetic Esthers, who will fast, pray, and seek My face, turning many from their wicked paths. Through them, I will orchestrate a grand deliverance, a sweeping revival that will engulf the land."

At this critical juncture, the Lord summons His true prophets to emerge and declare His word with unyielding courage and clarity. Prophetic voices must discern these times, expose the scheme of darkness, and proclaim the truth of God's Word. We must not succumb to fear of man or submit to the spirit of religion. The Spirit of Jehu calls for Jezebel to be cast down from her lofty perch in the nation. Those that wish for the church to remain silent on the wickedness that is happening all around us are simply fallen under a spell that has lulled the American church to sleep. It is high time to awaken from slumber. We live in a time of shadows, make-believe platforms with fake followers generated by AI. This is why we can no longer fear those that seem to be in spiritual authority if their message is to comply and go quietly into the night. This is the time where Jehu must come forth and proclaim, throw her down from the high place!

The Spirit of the Lord declares: "Let the true prophets stand! Proclaim My word without fear or compromise. Unmask the deceit of Jezebel's spirit, the Woke agenda, and witchcraft, and summon My people to repentance and genuine fasting. For I am purging My bride, refining her like gold in the crucible. Those who have ears to hear, let them heed what the Spirit says to the churches. The hour is late, but My grace abounds. Stand in the breach, intercede for America, and declare My truth. For I am with you, and I will never abandon you."

The destiny of America hangs in the balance.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “In the tipping point, there is a crash!” We will either see a crashing of society or we will see a crashing of God’s power again into the country.

This clash of kingdoms is a divine summons, a call to spiritual arms for the faithful. Stand steadfast, for this battle is the Lord's. Fast with authenticity, pray with intensity, and proclaim His truth with authority. The spirit of Esther will triumph over the spirit of Jezebel, and the glory of the Lord will envelop the earth as the waters cover the sea.

-Prophet Charlie Shamp