Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady | Prophet Charlie Shamp

Praying for Great Britain this morning. Last night I had a very disturbing dream. In the dream I was flying in a British Airlines plane that was about to go down. I was transported to cockpit where the pilot was desperately trying to get control of the plane. Suddenly a lady stepped in and said I can land us safely on the ground. The woman looked at me and said, “it’s all going to be alright dear.” I instantly knew that it was Margaret Thatcher. She took ahold of the yoke and began to fly the plane as it was spinning out of control. One of the pilots yelled at her, “there is no way to land this plane!” She looked at me again and said, “we will do what they think is impossible and land it backwards, you just pray. They are about to see a miracle.” I watched as she safely landed the plane on a road without a single person aboard being harmed. She looked at me and said, “Prayer and faith will see you through any tragedy dear.”

The scene then changed where I was standing on a rooftop with Prince Charles talking with him about what had taken place. He seemed so unimpressed by what she had been able to do. At that point I was overlooking the city and suddenly a large bridge that was very close to us suddenly exploded. Then I awoke with a great burden to pray for the nation.

-Prophet Charlie Shamp