Jesus bloodline triumphs over Breadlines | Prophet Charlie Shamp

As I was waking up this morning in a flash vision I saw people stranding in lines for food. I heard the Lord say, “Tell my people in an hour of hardship they will not stand in lines begging for handouts. My hand is even now upon them protecting their families. They will not be ashamed in the time of evil and in a day of famine they will have abundance. My bloodline will never stand in bread lines begging; for I will never abandon the righteous and my children will not beg for bread.” There is coming another crisis that will touch the housing market, but the Lord will protect homes that will become a habitation for His presence. Those that will turn their houses into a place of worship. I saw some believers that were on the verge of foreclosure and about to lose their homes. They followed the leading of the Lord and opened their home for others to gather and worship. I then saw thousands of fires burning bright across America. I said to the Lord, “What is this?” The Lord answered me, “These are the firehouse that are burning bright in this nation. They have devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. There will be no lack in these place, but I have raised them up to be sanctuaries in desolate cities and just like Obed-Edom the ark of God will remained with them.”
-Prophet Charlie Shamp