Miracle Mission Malawi


In the month of November, Destiny Encounters will be embarking on yet another Miracle Mission. This time to the nation of Malawi where we will be focusing on a three-day Gospel Crusade. With preaching the Gospel, Destiny Encounters always endeavors to meet physical needs along with spiritual ones. That is why along with this mass crusade we will be participating in a well established feeding program to the poor as well as an outreach for orphans. At this time poverty in Malawi is at critical levels. Of the 15.9 million Malawians, about 12 million are living below the international poverty line ($1.25 a day) and approximately 14.3 million are living on less than $2.00 a day. Malawi, a largely agricultural country, is making efforts to overcome decades of underdevelopment, corruption and the impact of an HIV-Aids problem, which claims the lives of tens of thousands every year. A program to tackle HIV-Aids was launched in 2004, with the then-President Bakili Muluzi revealing that his brother had died from the disease.

Malawi is one of the world's worst-hit by HIV-Aids and home to more than one million children orphaned by the disease. Many Malawians work in agriculture, and it is hard for them to produce enough crop to maintain an income above the international poverty line. With parental death, disease and crop failure, the obstacles that many Malawians face are abounding. Here are just a few facts that more thoroughly explain and illuminate the pressing issue of poverty in Malawi:

1.Over 90,000 Malawi individuals live with HIV/AIDS, which accounts for every one in ten adults.

2. Only 65.8% of Malawi’s population can read and write by the age of 15, according to the CIA.

3. Due to poverty, poor access to health care, disease and food shortage, the average life expectancy for a Malawian is 63 years, which is 25 years more than it was in 1960, according to The World Bank.

4. There is only one doctor for every 50,000 individuals, according to the World Health Organization.

5. About 30% of children in Malawi do not start primary school (which is free in Malawi). Secondary and higher education is mostly attended by those of households above the international poverty line, predominantly due to the enrollment fees.

6. Malawi is one of the world’s most impoverished countries, ranking 173rd out of 182 countries on the Human Development Index.

7. More than one million Malawi children are orphaned due to HIV/AIDS.

These few facts can be quite staggering for anyone grasp. The overwhelming situation that the people of this nation are facing at this times calls for a Kingdom Response and this is why we are going to the front lines. We are calling on all those that feel lead to help in this Miracle Mission to sow your best financial seed at this time. With just a few short months away from this Miracle Mission we need your support!

-Prophet Charlie and Brynn Shamp

Please "add a note" that your donation is for the Miracle Mission.
