Miracle Mission Middle East Praise Report!

Dear Pray Shield Partners, It is with great joy that I bring this latest mission report from the Middle East. As I sit here writing to you today I feel extremely blessed to know that together we were able to make such a tremendous impact on this Miracle Mission. Through your generous support hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi refugees will receive much needed relief for the next several months. God is truly great! Many of you know through following us on social media that we were on the front line working with a local church who has faithfully helped those affected by the wars in both Iraq and Syria since 2011. When we arrived this past January they were very close to having to stop their relief efforts due to lack of funds, but thanks be to God you heard the call and together we helped them to continue to share the love of God through delivering food and other basic needs to these families. The needs are greater than we can ever imagine and is only growing as over sixty of the sixty-eight relief groups in the nation of Jordan have stopped all funding. We will continue to keep you updated on the situation as we have in our hearts to help this local church in the future with relief efforts.

It was amazing to be there first hand to share the love of God with these precious people. Over the five days we were there twenty two Muslims came to Christ that we are personally aware of at this time and numerous healings took place as we prayed for the people. The picture below was taken of many up lifted hands of people testifying to being touched and healed durning the prayer time, God is so good; can I get an amen!

The Lord told me personally that in this war torn region of the world His greatest weapon is joy, so this is exactly what we released upon these precious people.

Again to all our pastors, leaders and Prayer Shield Partners Brynn and I want to personally thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We could never do this with you! Please take a moment and watch the video, and be blessed!


Special thanks to Eric Austin and Arc Freelance Graphics and Media for the outstanding job they did on putting together this video, you all are a great blessing to this ministry.
